Deutscher Klub

The German Club is open to all students with an interest in German language, culture, and society. 

Join the club on a weekend retreat at the CLV German-language camp (Waldsee), join in the Faschingsfest celebration, walk in the parade at Homecoming, practice your German at the weekly Kaffeeklatsch event, enjoy festive Adventskalendar, and take part in our Film and Spielabends.

Kappa Tau

Kappa Tau is the Concordia College chapter of Delta Phi Alpha, the German National Honor Society.

The Concordia College chapter of Delta Phi Alpha, the German National Honor Society, was established in 1995 with nine members. Kappa Tau annually honors the achievements of outstanding students in promoting German language and culture.

Concordia Language Villages — Waldsee Wochenendprogramm

German students are able to work as counselors at the German Language Village, Waldsee.

This a weekend immersion program for elementary, middle, and high school students at Waldsee, the German-language village near Bemidji, Minn. The students experience German culture firsthand and Concordia students have the opportunity to use their German as counselors.

Max-Kade Deutsches Haus

Concordia students have the option to live in a German language residence on campus. This is a wonderful way to immerse yourself in German culture and language.

Students of every level of German can live in a German-speaking environment. Most years there is also a native German speaker who lives in the apartment. Activities include films; games; German, Austrian and Swiss meals; trips; karaoke; and celebration of the holidays of German-speaking countries. Deutsch ist easy und macht Spass!


Every year, the German program celebrates German-speaking countries’ cultures with food, activities, displays, and music. This is a celebration of the culture and traditions of the German-speaking world. This festival takes place in the spring and attracts students and area residents alike. Faschingsfest features students’ many talents, including music, presentation, and skits. Of course, there is plenty to eat from regions throughout the German-speaking world!