Established on 12.08.2017 by John L. Herman †
John Herrman grew up in Philip, South Dakota and started classes at Concordia College in the fall of 1961. During his time as an undergraduate chemistry student, he was mentored and encouraged to pursue graduate school by Dr. Daryl Ostercamp and Dr. Bob Homann, among others. John went on to study biochemistry at Washington State University and built a career as a toxicologist with the Food and Drug Administration and the World Health Organization. John influenced the affairs of the world by working with scientists from around the world to establish sound toxicological principles and appropriate safety factors which helped to determine safe exposure conditions for food chemicals in developing and developed countries worldwide. This endowed scholarship was created in honor of his mentors and the education he received at Concordia, along with his hope that future chemistry students will have the opportunity to become informed and thoughtful leaders in the field of chemistry.
† - Testamentary endowments may not be contributed to until they are fully established.