Established on 05.01.1990 by Nicolina "Lina" Hillard †
Nicolina (Lina) K. Hillard was born in Esther Township, Polk County, Minnesota, on January 6, 1894, to Nils and Karen Hillard. She passed away on November 4, 1989, in East Grand Forks, MN, at the age of 95 and is buried in the Kongsvinger Lutheran Cemetery in rural Esther Township in Polk County, MN.
Lina spent the entirety of her life in Esther Township, living with her brother, Esten, and her disabled sister, Alice. She and Esten were Alice’s caregivers for many years. Lina never went to high school or college, and none of them were ever married. She and her siblings were wonderful neighbors and well known and loved by everyone in the area. She was the last survivor of the three.
Lina was known for being frugal. She never bought herself a colored TV-always said the black and white one was “good enough.” But because of her frugality, she was able to leave money to her church, the home where she resided for many years, and to Concordia College.
Her Norwegian heritage was very important to her and continues to live on with her memorial scholarship.