Established on 11.09.2013 by Lt. Col. Dale '68 and Col. Tina Holmlund  

Dale and Tina Holmlund were raised in Baker, MT. After high school, Tina received a B.S. in nursing from Montana State University and a master's degree in nursing from the University of Texas at San Antonio. Tina shared her passion for nursing through a 20-year career with the United States Air Force, which culminated with work for the Surgeon General of the Air Force. Tina retired as a colonel. Dale graduated from Concordia in 1968 with degrees in history and political science. He joined the Air Force and served in Vietnam. Following 20 years as a pilot with the Air Force, Dale retired as a lieutenant colonel and joined American Airlines. Now fully retired, Dale and Tina live in the Ozarks.

The Holmlunds have a tremendous passion for nursing and believe it to be at the heart of securing the future of medical care for our country. They believe healthcare solutions lie in well-trained people at the individual care level. Here, nurses are in a unique position to provide leadership and deliver quality care. In recognition of their passion for this profession and appreciation for the Christian liberal arts education provided at Concordia, Dale and Tina are establishing this scholarship to support the nursing education of Concordia students.