Design Program

You can find your artistic voice at Concordia working shoulder to shoulder with dynamic professors. Their approach for developing designers is based on giving you formative assistance at every level of the design program. You will also benefit from completing general art foundation courses such as 2D and 3D electives, beginning drawing, digital photography, and art history survey.

With this background, faculty will work with you to enhance your area of interest within the field of design, be it layout, publication design, typography, or illustration. During senior year, you will be developing a distinctive portfolio with an eye toward postcollegiate applications and careers.

Our design program allows students to specialize in many areas of design, as well as a minor or major in an area related to design, such as computer science, communication, or business.

The art department has a wide range of specialties that allows you the creative space to hone your interests and skills to craft a major that fits your style.

Programs of Study

Minor in Art and Design

Art and design minors know the value of creativity and understand how the skills learned here will be valuable and applicable to whatever your primary focus of study may be.

Program Requirements and Courses

Minor in Web Design and Development

The minor in web design and development is an interdisciplinary program in collaboration with the Offutt School of Business.

Program Requirements and Courses


Digital Design

A studio course for students who wish to improve their graphic design and computer skills with Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe InDesign. The study of general graphic design techniques, knowledge in the conceptual design process, and high quality craftsmanship and production methods will be learned through the production of promotional materials.

Web and User Experience Design

A studio course focusing on design principles to assist students in producing visually imaginative web compositions. An introduction to the language and practice of web design, user experience design, grid layout, responsive design and development, web safe fonts, optimized imagery, media queries, HTML and CSS.

Typography in Book Design

A studio course providing studies relating to typography and book design through the investigation of structure and the expressive nature of typography as an integral element of visual communication. Examination of different binding methods, printing and production practices, and the ability to work fluently with Adobe InDesign are taught.


We have state-of-the-art technology with Mac desktop computers, scanners, large flat screen TV for lectures, HP LaserJet printer that prints up to 12x18 sheets, large format inkjet printers. Design minors may also rent a Mac laptop with the Adobe programs for the academic year.

Student Work and Achievements 

Our students have won gold, silver, and Best in Show at the American Advertising Awards (ADDYs) in North Dakota and regionals for their design work. Concordia financially supports student attendance at the ADDY Awards.

When you graduate with a minor in art and design from Concordia College, you will develop a portfolio worthy of applying for competitive jobs in design from any state. Our students have been very successful in finding jobs in design upon graduation.