The Concordian
The Concordian, the student-operated weekly newspaper, offers multimedia journalism majors practical experience in journalistic writing and editing, as well as in photography, graphic design, and business.
Regardless of the medium, it is more important than ever before for journalists to be equipped with the skills to take their own photos, shoot their own videos, and write compelling stories. Concordia’s integrated approach to multimedia journalism will teach you the skills you need to succeed.
Learn from professors who have made a name for themselves in print and video — some of whom still work full time for the local media.
This interdisciplinary program combines art, communication, and English. In fact, many students pair a major in multimedia journalism with a minor in art, communication, English, or political science.
Successful completion of the major or minor in multimedia journalism will enable you to:
If you value these skills, a major or minor in multimedia journalism may be a great choice for you.
Investigating and Narrating the News taught me what written journalism with other media looks like. I enjoyed writing my own long-form news story along with getting media-like pictures and audio for it. The class incorporated concepts from other journalism classes to create a full news story. My biggest takeaway was that journalism can be creative while also bringing truth and fact to the public.
Brady Drake ’18
The Concordian, the student-operated weekly newspaper, offers multimedia journalism majors practical experience in journalistic writing and editing, as well as in photography, graphic design, and business.
Each year, KORD Radio looks for interested students to take on a shift as a DJ for the student-run radio station. Turn your radio show into the genre that appeals to you — pop, rock, country, talk, call-in — you name it.
Concordia On-Air is a student-run newscast, produced once a week right on campus. Student journalists are responsible for researching, writing, and reporting on stories affecting our campus community. The show incorporates anchors in the studio, live shots from around campus, student-produced video packages, and a green-screen weather forecast, just to name a few.
Dr. Greg Carlson’s love of film leads students to many opportunities in the Fargo-Moorhead area and beyond.
Staying open to change allows Alyssa Czernek ’25 to pursue more avenues of study and work.