Program Options

Major or Minor in Philosophy

Learn about ethics, theory of knowledge, logic, metaphysics, and the history of philosophy — from the ancient, medieval, modern and contemporary periods. Choose your own adventure in philosophy as you study what interests YOU the most. The department offers classes in the philosophies of science, art, language, literature, feminism, film, and environmental ethics.

Degree Requirements and Courses


Employers are looking for graduates with the critical thinking skills philosophy students are best at. Our grads say their study of philosophy taught them to use a systematic, reasoned approach to learning, and careful reading and listening skills, which are fundamental for problem-solving and understanding complex problems.

Concordia philosophy alumni include many attorneys, bankers, information technology specialists, developers, entrepreneurs, graphic designers, ministers, musicians, physicians, professors, and writers.

Code for the Home

“In my philosophy and religion classes at Concordia, I was taught to re-examine the things I took for granted,” says Nathan Nesiba '13, an iOS engineer at Nest Labs in Palo Alto, Calif. “In programming, realizing that your assumptions aren’t necessarily true is important for problem solving.”

Upcycled Design

After studying art and philosophy in college, local entrepreneur Ashley Dedin '12 found her passion as a creator and a business owner.

Jake Kohl '12, Quality Assurance Engineer at Intelligent InSites

Studying philosophy allowed me to explore new ideas and viewpoints of the world that enabled me to see the small details and the big picture for my career, today's issues, and other aspects of my life.

Dr. Heather Waddell

Chair/Associate Professor, Greek and Roman Studies; Chair, Philosophy Greek and Roman Studies, Philosophy, Women's and Gender Studies