News Students

In the News: Moorhead High School students of color spend 24 hours on campus at Concordia College

Alisha Debleye addresses Moorhead High School students in the MOPOC program at Concordia College. (Jay Dahl/WDAY News)

Story by Jay Dahl, Forum Communications

Concordia College students of color have been meeting weekly with students of color from Moorhead High School for the past two years as part of the Mentorship Opportunities for People of Color program.

MOPOC aims to encourage more students of color to go to college and pursue careers in their chosen fields. The program was featured on WDAY TV and in the Forum newspaper focusing on the 24 hours the high schoolers spent on campus attending classes, eating at the dining hall, and sleeping in the dorms. 

"I think that's a valuable part of this process in which they actually get to step on the campus and see what it's actually like to be a college student," said Sunet Rubalcava, MOPOC advisor and diversity support coordinator at Concordia College.


Summary by Alyssa Czernek '25