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The Concordian
The Concordian, the student-operated weekly newspaper, offers English majors practical experience in journalistic writing and editing. Published weekly during the academic year, The Concordian seeks to reflect the concerns and happenings of the Concordia community. The student editor hires and supervises four section editors, each of whom work directly with writers in assigning, generating and editing copy.
The Concordian offers the opportunity for a range of involvement: While section editors are asked to make a yearlong commitment, writers can write every week or sporadically. Weekly critique and brainstorming sessions are held with the newspaper advisor, and writers are assigned articles at weekly story meetings.
The greatest benefit of working for The Concordian (besides the obvious nuts-and-bolts experience) is that it enables students to compile portfolios of published works that are invaluable when job searching, especially in the fields of journalism and publishing.
Contact The Concordian at
AfterWork, Concordia's student-operated literary magazine, is often the first venue in which fledgling writers have their work published. Published every spring, AfterWork is a literary review of fiction, poetry, essays and art works. A student editor and his or her staff of literary and art editors solicit manuscripts and artwork from the student body; selections for publication are chosen anonymously on their merits.
The selection process offers English students the opportunity to put to practical use some of the skills they've honed in English classes: reading critically, discussing a manuscript's merits and weaknesses, line editing and creating an enticing anthology of works.
AfterWork also sponsors readings by student and faculty writers, which serve to help create a community of writers and readers at Concordia College.
Ascent is Concordia’s literary magazine, which has been recognized as one of the top 20 small literary magazines in the country. Some entries published in Ascent have appeared regularly in the Best American series.
Students may get involved in Ascent by assisting as an editor.
New Voices
New Voices is Concordia’s journal of outstanding student academic essays from across the curriculum. The volume is printed and ready for an April distribution so some of the best new voices may be shared with a larger audience.
English majors can get involved in New Voices by assisting as an editor.
Djembe is Concordia's intercultural affairs journal contributed to by both students and faculty/staff. The purpose of this journal is to connect Concordia students with the outside world by publishing articles, poetry, and artwork from diverse locales.