Study a World Language
Many global studies students choose to learn a world language to enhance what they are learning in the program.
Through the global studies program, students can take a wide range of classes to explore issues facing the global community that match their unique passions and interests. Global studies is a great fit for students who love exploring international issues and culture, care about global issues and can work independently.
A student majoring in global studies chooses one or two concentration areas in which to focus. All students will have an introduction to global studies and take part in the Senior Seminar course, which includes community research and career preparation.
This interdisciplinary program will prepare you to analyze culture and cultural differences and to acquire tools that enhance intercultural competency.
This interdisciplinary program will provide you with the knowledge and analytical tools to interpret the global landscape of interconnected countries.
Global studies will prepare you for a wide variety of career paths from working in government, NGOs, nonprofits, and businesses. Many students go abroad after graduation, gaining work experience and learning language.
Recent grads have gone to:
Some students also go on to graduate school, pursuing a variety of disciplines including social and public policy, law, ethnic studies, international relations, international human rights law, international peace studies, and journalism.
Global studies graduates have also found employment with organizations like America Abroad Media in Washington, D.C., New Futures in Seattle, Center for New Americans at the University of Minnesota Law School, World Endeavors in Minneapolis and United Planet in Boston.
Many global studies students choose to learn a world language to enhance what they are learning in the program.
Experience other cultures firsthand with Concordia's study away programs throughout the world.
A Cobber’s globe-trotting journey leads him to improve youth mental health in Tasmania
As an Interfaith Scholar, activist, and future lawyer, Avyan Mejdeen ’22 is organizing change on campus, in the community, and across the nation.