Dr. Kristen M. Ford Professor of Education; Program Director, Master of Education in Heath and Physical Education P 218.299.4510 E kmford@cord.edu Department/Office: Education, Master of Education, Graduate Studies
Dr. Cassandra Glynn Director of Graduate Programs in Education; Director, Graduate Certificate in Language Program; Associate Professor of Education P 218.299.3857 E cglynn@cord.edu Department/Office: Education, Master of Education, Graduate Studies
Dr. Teri J. Langlie Chair/Associate Professor of Education P 218.299.3622 E langlie@cord.edu Department/Office: Education, Master of Education
Dr. Darrell W. Stolle Professor of Education P 218.299.3629 E dstolle@cord.edu Department/Office: Education, Master of Education
Dr. Anne Walker Professor of Education P 218.299.3641 E awalker3@cord.edu Department/Office: Education, Master of Education