Dr. Mona Ibrahim Professor of Psychology P 218.299.3299 E ibrahim@cord.edu Department/Office: Psychology, Master of Education
Dr. Jane E. Indergaard, DNP, RN Associate Professor of Nursing P 218.299.3637 E indergaa@cord.edu Department/Office: Nursing
Munir Isahak Assistant Coach, Men’s and Women’s Cross Country P 218.299.4434 E misahak@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Benjamin Iverson Vice President for Enrollment P 218.299.3887 F 218.299.4720 E biverso2@cord.edu Department/Office: Admission, Financial Aid
Wade L. Iverson Manager of Digital Media Services; Adjunct Instructor, Communication Studies P 218.299.3789 E wiverso1@cord.edu Department/Office: Communication Studies, Conferences and Events
Dr. Erika Izaguirre Assistant Professor, Trumpet P 218.299.4414 (Music Office) E eizaguir@cord.edu Department/Office: Music