Dr. Jasi O'Connor Director P 218.299.3549 E oconnor@cord.edu Department/Office: Institutional Effectiveness
Melanie D. Odegaard Meal Ingredient Technician P 218.299.4205 E modegaar@cord.edu Department/Office: Dining Services
David Olderman Program and Transportation Specialist, Registration and Transportation P 218.586.8600 E dolderma@cord.edu Department/Office: Concordia Language Villages-Bemidji
W. Scott Olsen Professor, English P 218.299.3705 E olsen@cord.edu Department/Office: English, Multimedia Journalism
Darrell Olson Assistant to the Head Coach, Football; Adjunct Instructor, Education P 612.839.4147 E dolson19@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics, Education
Kelly Olson Public Safety Officer P 218.299.3062 E kolson@cord.edu Department/Office: Security/Public Safety
Dr. Mikel L. Olson Chair/Professor of Psychology P 218.299.3253 E molson@cord.edu Department/Office: Psychology
Roger T. Olson Director P 218.299.3682 F 218.299.4945 E rolson@cord.edu Department/Office: Risk Management
Shannon D. Olson Lead Culinary Supervisor P 218.299.3706 E solson35@cord.edu Department/Office: Dining Services
Fatima Omar Dishroom and Service Staff P 218.299.3706 E fomar@cord.edu Department/Office: Dining Services
Tianna Ontiveros Administrative Assistant P 218.299.4442 E tontiver@cord.edu Department/Office: Exercise Science, Mathematics, Nutrition and Dietetics
Sarah Orr Sustainability Coordinator P 218.299.3071 E sstauner@cord.edu Department/Office: Sustainability, Community Engagement
Quincy Osborn Head Coach, Wrestling; Wellness Instructor P 218.299.4433 E qosborn@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Sam Osgoode Building Services Custodian P 218.299.3362 E sosgoode@cord.edu Department/Office: Facilities Management
Eme M. Otto Graphic Designer P 218.299.3607 E emeotto@cord.edu Department/Office: Communications and Marketing
Mikayla Ouren Assistant Director of Alumni Relations P 218.299.3453 E mouren@cord.edu Department/Office: Alumni Relations, Advancement
Julie Oye Weekend Checker/Cashier P 218.299.3706 E jhestera@cord.edu Department/Office: Dining Services