Tyson Aberle Assistant Coach, Men's Soccer P 218.299.4210 E taberle1@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Dr. W. Vincent Arnold Chair/Professor, History; Faculty Athletic Representative to the NCAA P 218.299.3524 E arnold@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics, History, Pre-Law
Derek Bakken Assistant Coach/Defensive Coordinator, Football P 218.299.4439 E dbakken@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Kyle C. Bakken Assistant Coach/Defensive Coordinator, Football P 218.299.4439 F 218.299.4953 E kbakken@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Elliot Bates Assistant Coach, Men's Hockey P 218.299.4434 E ebates@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Tyler Bents Administrative Assistant — Accounts Receivable; Assistant Coach, Wrestling P 218.299.3150 (Business Office) | 218.299.4434 (Athletics) F 218.299.4357 E tbents@cord.edu Department/Office: Business Office, Athletics
Rachel D. Bergeson Athletic Director P 218.299.4434 F 218.299.4953 E athletics@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Tyler Bormann Head Coach, Men's Basketball P 218.299.4921 E tbormann@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Anneliesse Bruns Aquatics Director; Head Coach, Swimming and Diving P 218.299.4469 E abruns1@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Rollie Bulock Assistant Coach, Men's Soccer P 218.299.4210 E rbulock@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Janey Bulson Associate Athletic Trainer P 218.299.4989 E jbulson@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Donald "Bucky" Burgau Assistant Coach, Baseball P 218.299.3209 E bburgau@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Bonnie Carrete Assistant Coach, Softball P 218.299.4446 E bcarrete@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
James M. Cella Sports Information Director P 218.299.3194 E cella@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics, Communications and Marketing
Chase Dockter Assistant Coach, Football P 218.299.4934 E cdockter@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Michael Dunn Assistant Coach, Men’s Track and Field P 218.299.4434 E mpdunn@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Raquel Egge Assistant Coach, Women's Tennis P 218.299.4710 E regge@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Joseph Fodstad Assistant Coach, Men's Hockey P 218.299.4434 E jfodstad@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Jenna Forknell Student Involvement and Recreation Coordinator; Head Coach, Women's Tennis P 218.299.3640 E jforknel@cord.edu Department/Office: Student Engagement, Athletics
George Gauld Assistant Coach, Women’s Soccer P 218.299.4941 E ggauld@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Jason Gregoire Head Coach, Women's Hockey P 218.299.4438 E jgregoir@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Madison Haman Assistant Coach, Volleyball P 218.299.4432 E mschoeph@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Aaron Herdt Assistant Coach, Men's Hockey P 218.299.4434 E aherdt@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Maddie Herzog Head Coach, Women's Golf P 218.299.4434 E mherzog1@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Thomas Holmes Assistant Coach, Football P 218.299.4934 E tholmes@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Munir Isahak Assistant Coach, Men’s and Women’s Cross Country P 218.299.4434 E misahak@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Nathaniel Kahlbaugh Head Coach, Men's Golf P 218.299.4434 E nkahlbau@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Duane Kashmark Head Coach, Clay Target P 218.299.4434 E kashmark@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Aaron Kinslow Goalie Coach, Men's Hockey P 218.299.4434 E akinslow@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Chelsea Klemetson Assistant Coach, Men's Track and Field P 218.299.4304 E cklemets@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Garrick Z. Larson Head Coach, Men's Track and Field P 218.299.4304 F 218.299.4953 E gzlarson@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Jared Lozano Assistant Coach, Football P 218.299.4934 E jlozano@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Terry Luschen Assistant Coach, Football P 218.299.4934 E tluschen@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Jackson Lyngaas Assistant Coach, Men's Basketball P 218.299.4437 E jlyngaas@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Cade Niehaus Assistant Coach, Men's Basketball P 218.299.4437 E cniehaus@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Darrell Olson Assistant to the Head Coach, Football; Adjunct Instructor, Education P 612.839.4147 E dolson19@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics, Education
Quincy Osborn Head Coach, Wrestling; Wellness Instructor P 218.299.4433 E qosborn@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Austin Peterson Assistant Coach, Men's Soccer P 218.299.4210 E apeter31@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Jake Pollock Assistant Coach/Offensive Coordinator, Football; Athletic Facilities Manager P 218.299.4441 E jpolloc1@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Rebecca Quimby Head Coach, Women’s Soccer; Director of Intramurals P 218.299.4941 E roshurak@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Faith Radermacher Head Coach, Volleyball P 218.299.4435 E fdooley@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Wade Rhonemus Assistant Coach, Men's Track and Field P 218.299.4304 E wrhonemu@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Marv Roeske Head Coach, Women’s Track and Field P 218.299.4163 E roeske@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Kellen Schauer Assistant Coach, Wrestling P 218.299.4433 E kschaue1@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Ben Schneweis Associate Athletic Director; Compliance Director/Athletics Diversity and Inclusion Designee P 218.299.4162 E bschnewe@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Annika Seedborg Head Coach, Softball; Club Sport Manager P 218.299.4446 E aseedbor@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Laurie Sieben Assistant Coach, Women's Basketball P 218.299.4922 E lsieben@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Parker Simonson Assistant Coach, Men's Hockey P 218.299.4434 E psimons3@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Alex Skaare Assistant Coach, Wrestling P 218.299.4433 E askaare@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Lynze Swanson Assistant Coach, Women's Hockey P 218.299.4438 E lswanso6@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Maddie Van Beek Head Coach, Men’s and Women’s Cross Country; Assistant Coach, Men’s and Women’s Track and Field P 218.299.4210 E mvanbeek@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Kim Wagers Head Coach, Women's Basketball; Senior Woman Administrator P 218.299.4417 E kwagers@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Nate Weaver Assistant Coach, Men's Soccer P 218.299.4210 E nweaver1@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Melvin Whitney Assistant Coach, Football P 218.299.4934 E mwhitne1@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
David Youngs Assistant Director of Admission; Head Coach, Men's Tennis P 218.299.3162 E dyoungs1@cord.edu Department/Office: Admission, Athletics
Victor Youngs Assistant Coach, Men's Tennis P 218.299.4710 E vyoungs@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Gabe Zierden Assistant Coach, Wrestling P 218.299.4433 E gzierden@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics